The Meeting Booker

The Meeting Booker

The Meeting Booker

What is it: The Meeting Booker is straight forward. Connect your Sales team's calendars to Qualified and let your prospects book time with them from anywhere you choose on your website.

Where to use it: In theory, The Meeting Booker can be implemented anywhere on your site. However, we recommend using The Meeting Booker whenever you feel like, "Okay, I've know enough about [the prospect]. Let's get them on the phone and take this to the next stage." This could be a targeted industry page, a landing page that only sources high-intent traffic, or simply a specific product or pricing page. Start with small, targeted use and then expand as you see successful meetings carried out.

Why do it: Make the customer journey simple for your prospects and simple for your team. The easier it is for your prospective buyers to engage with your brand, the easier it'll be for them to buy.

The business impact: More meetings booked with your prospects, giving your Sales team a chance to close more business.

Building the Experience

We've broken down how to build The Ideal Inbound Customer in a few easy steps.

Key Takeaways

Letting a prospect simply book a meeting on your team's calendar is extremely powerful, but, "with great power comes great responsibility." Make sure that the Meeting Booker doesn't send unqualified visitors to your Sales team. But if you're like Zero Motorcycles and "can't miss" once you're engaged with your prospects, then The Meeting Booker will be a homerun for your sales team.

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what a home run.
- Scott Holden, CMO, Thoughtspot