A day in the Life - Sara Wik - Qualified Outbound Sales Rep

Ever wonder what a Day in the Life of a Qualified Outbound Sales Rep looks like? Follow along with Sara!

A day in the Life - Sara Wik - Qualified Outbound Sales Rep
Shelly Weaver
Shelly Weaver
July 29, 2022
min read
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Meet Sara! She's one of Qualified's outbound sales reps, spending her days spreading the good pipeline generation news. Learn how she approaches her day-to-day routines and how she leverages the power of Qualified to hit her goals.

Day to Day

Your alarm is going off, what do you wake up to? 

Well, I like to keep most notifications off on my phone, but being in the PST time zone, generally, I can expect Slack and emails to already be awake and going, hopefully, replies from my prospects 

What does the first hour of your day typically look like? 

Sifting through emails, Slack, checking my tasks in Outreach, planning out the day in terms of prospecting 

How do you approach organizing your calendar? 

I use Google Calendar at work and in my personal life (I love organization! Ask me for help!). I layer my calendars so I not only see what’s important in my work life but also personal so I can manage my time accordingly. I find I do my best getting a big chunk of work done earlier in the day before taking a break and getting back into focus, I try to keep 2-4 hour chunks without meetings or distractions.

What are some tips and tricks of the trade to make your day-to-day work easier?

One task at a time. We are lucky here with all the information we are given to make our job easier, but it’s also easy to get lost in what to prioritize. At the beginning of the day, or week, try to understand your goals and what’s important to accomplish, break them down into tasks, and complete them one at a time. No one is as good at multitasking as they think.

What’s the first thing you do when you close your laptop at the end of the day?

Get some fresh air usually.

(Left) Sara's All Access pass from our employee on-site earlier this year. (Right) Sara and her pup, Molly, in front of the Vancouver skyline.

Shop Talk

What’s the most challenging part of your role?

Sales has constant ups and downs, and especially on the outbound side you have a lot of autonomy over your days and your business, so it’s key to not get caught up in the highs or lows and to be clear on having boundaries with work. Just because you can work 12 hours a day (there’s always more you can do!) doesn’t mean you should. 

Favorite Qualified feature and why?

Intent insights to help me prioritize which accounts to reach out to on a given day, and seeing the intent change as you reach out to new people.

If you could give one piece of advice to someone looking to jump into your role, what would it be?

Ask questions, be a sponge, be curious, be willing to take feedback, and be willing to see where you could improve, timing and knowing what they need is a big aspect of booking prospects, learn to listen better and don’t force people. 

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