40 Conversational Marketing statistics for 2023

Conversational marketing is constantly changing. Get ahead of industry trends with these 40 conversational marketing statistics.

40 Conversational Marketing statistics for 2023
Maura Rivera
Maura Rivera
April 2, 2020
min read
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Conversational Marketing bots help you connect with hot prospects at exactly the right time. B2B marketers and sales teams are using conversational marketing bots to have meaningful sales conversations with qualified buyers.

Want proof that Conversational Marketing bots are a worthwhile investment? Look no further. We’ve compiled a list of 40+ conversational marketing statistics. These data points will give you a sense of the current state of B2B sales: we’ve included statistics about conversational marketing bots, live chat, B2B websites, leads, sales, forms, account-based marketing (ABM), and much more. With this data, you can take your conversational marketing strategy to the next level by using a conversational marketing bot that's proven to yield results. When you're ready, you can hear from Trailblazers in Conversational Marketing here.

Conversational Marketing statistics

Conversational Marketing Bot Statistics

  • 71% of customers expect companies to communicate with a conversational marketing bot in real time (Salesforce).
  • 52% of consumers are more likely to make repeat purchases if the company offers support via live chat (Kayako).
  • 79% of companies say that a conversational marketing bot has had positive results for customer loyalty, sales, and revenue (Kayako).
  • A study showed that 9 out of 10 consumers would like the option to use messaging to contact a business (Twilio).
  • Conversations inside Facebook Messenger between companies and customers have a 30% better ROI than retargeting ads (Business Insider).
  • 52% of consumers are more likely to make repeat purchases if the company offers support via live chat (Kayako).
  • 80% of routine questions can be answered via conversational marketing bots (IBM).
  • Conversational marketing bots can reduce customer service costs by 30% (Chatbots Magazine).
  • 40% of millennials say they interact with chatbots on a daily basis (Mobile Marketer).
  • 47% of consumers would be open to making a purchase completely from a conversational marketing bot (HubSpot).
  • Conversational marketing chatbots with low engagement may see 35-40% response rates, while better-designed chatbots can result in 80-90% response rates. (Matthew Barby).
  • 69% of customers like using conversational marketing chatbots because of how quickly they can get in touch with a company (Salesforce).
  • 83% of consumers said they would be more loyal to a brand who offers a chatbot for tasks like making an appointment or handling customer service inquiries (Mobile Marketer).
  • 72% of people who have used chatbots find them to be helpful and informative (SUMO Heavy). 

B2B website statistics

  • Most customers (56%) expect to find what they’re looking for from a company in 3 clicks or less (Salesforce).
  • 82% of B2B website visitors aren’t legitimate prospects (Demandbase).
  • Personalizing a web experience can increase sales by 19% (Marketing Profs).

B2B personalization statistics

  • 72% of B2B customers expect a deep understanding of their needs, reflected through personalized experiences (Salesforce).
  • 62% of customers expect companies to adapt based on their actions and behaviors (Salesforce).
  • 73% of B2B buyers say they want a personalized, B2C-like customer experience (Accenture).
  • 79% of business that exceed their revenue goals have a documented conversational marketing strategy (Monetate).
  • Businesses that utilize new technologies, like a conversational marketing bot, to increase personalization report a 21 percent stronger lead acceptance rate and 36 percent higher conversion rate than businesses who do not (Aberdeen).

Lead engagement statistics

Form engagement statistics

  • The current average B2B form completion rate is 7% (MarketingSherpa). 
  • 81% of tech buyers don't fill out forms when they encounter gated content (LinkedIn).
  • 71% of those who didn’t fill out forms did so because they weren’t comfortable sharing information with a vendor they hadn’t worked with before (LinkedIn).
  • The best performing CTA button text includes: “Click Here,” “Go,” “Download,” and “Register” (QuickSprout).  
  • Asking for a phone number may reduce form conversion rates by as much as 5% (WPForms). 

B2B sales statistics

  • If a sales development rep can schedule a meeting with a lead the same day that a lead came in, the close rate is 3X higher than if they connected 48 hours later (Salesforce).
  • Conversion rates improve by 4.6% if you add 50 or more reviews per product that you offer (eConsultancy). 
  • 70% of B2B buyers watch a video at some point during their buying process (HubSpot).
  • 88% of B2B customers reported that they received high quality information during a recent successful purchase (Gartner).
  • 60% of B2B buyers only want to talk to sales once their own research has been completed (HubSpot). 
  • During the first sales call, 58% of B2B buyers want to discuss pricing, while 54% want to understand how the product works (HubSpot).

Account-based marketing (ABM) statistics

  • Companies that invest in ABM have 38% higher win rates (MarketingProfs).
  • Companies that invest in ABM have 91% larger deal sizes and 24% faster revenue growth (SiriusDecisions). 
  • Companies that invest in ABM see 81% higher ROI (ITMSA).
  • More than 60% of companies plan to launch an ABM-based campaign in the next year (Triblio). 
  • Almost 85% of marketers measuring ROI say that ABM outperforms other marketing investments (ITSMA).
  • 84% of marketers said ABM significantly benefited them in retaining and expanding existing client relationships (Alterra Group via Marketo).

Conversational Marketing bot success statistics

  • By using a Conversational Marketing bot, ThoughtSpot saw 10x more sales conversations, 70% more marketing qualified leads, and 64% more meetings booked. (See the story here).
  • Gamma has generated over 50 opportunities and nearly $1M in closed revenue from Conversational Marketing; they’ve also increased website conversions by 33% and increased Marketing Qualified Leads by 22% using Conversational Marketing (See the story here).
  • Zero Motorcycles gained 30% more leads in 30 days, thanks to Conversational Marketing bots (See the story here).
  • Thanks to Conversational Marketing, Brandfolder generated 6x more sales opportunities and saw a 4x increase in leads (See the story here).
  • askSpoke boosted sales demos by 3X with Conversational Marketing (See the story here).

Wrap up

This comprehensive list of stats will help you understand the current B2B sales and marketing landscape. B2B companies are embracing new, easier, faster ways to engage with their prospects, powered by Conversational Marketing bots and best practices.

If you’re a B2B company that wants to grow your pipeline, or simply wants a better way to engage with buyers, it’s time to try Conversational Marketing. Check out our book Conversational Marketing for Salesforce, or hear from these Trailblazers in Conversational Marketing. If you just have 90 seconds, watch our demo video to see how you can start real-time conversations with buyers and grow your pipeline with Qualified ⬇️

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